• aBSiNTHElYNX Launched

    From Anachronist@FREEWAY to All on Wed Aug 14 12:43:25 2019
    I'm very pleased to announch the launch of a major new feature to ↓caaBSiNTHE BBS↓q1- a full text browser for ↓ceGopher↓q1, ↓ceFTP↓q1, and ↓ceHTTP↓q1! Now users can explore the techno-wasteland of ↓ceGopherspace↓q1, access and download from ↓q1FTP↓q1, and find parts of the net that are not readily available otherwise. Integration features include:

    * Fast and seamless integration with C-NET
    * Download files straight from ↓caaBSiNTHE BBS↓q1
    * Auto-adjusts to the terminal height and width settings in C-Net prefs
    * Custom color scheme and art
    * aBSiNTHE uNDERGR0OUND- unique portal with useful links, updated in one place

    You can spend hours exploring all of the cool things here. Read and download over 59000 books from ↓ceProject Gutenberg↓q1, browse and download from ↓ceAminet↓q1 in an interface that is seriously better than the web right to your ↓cbAmiga↓q1, check out ↓ceWikipedia↓q1, get multiple newsfeeds, weather forecasts, it goes on and on. Non-Amiga terminals have issues displaying the text-reverse mode for highlighted links, so that can be a challenge for ↓ceSyncterm↓q1, ↓ceNetrunner↓q1, etc. A capable ↓cbAmiga↓q1 terminal such as ↓ceTerm 4.8↓q1 is highly recommended.

    Future versions will bring several upgrades. Enjoy this amazing feature! Where else but ↓ceabsinthebbs.net:1940↓q1 :)

    ↓cdaNACHRONiST ↓c1| ↓caabsinthebbs.net:1940↓q1

    ↓z0↓cA.↓z0↓cF↓z0↓cA------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------.↓z0
    ↓z0↓cA|↓z0↓cD "A hundred years of forgetting and it all comes rushing back..." ↓z0↓cA|↓z0 ↓z0↓cA`------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----'↓z0

    --- CNet/5
    * Origin: Badass Amiga Board aBSiNTHE BBS absinthebbs.net:1940 (80:774/68)
    ■ Synchronet ■ Freeway BBS, Bendigo Australia. freeway.apana.org.au